Search & Rescue Dogs Deployed In A Bid To Locate 6pm Swimmers

News just in from Glen Barton….

As you kindly made us all aware last week that last night would host the first of the 6pm swims of 2018. But little did we three think that we would have the Myrtleville bath to ourselves and parking restrictions were non-existent. Yes three lonesome souls kick-started the 6pm swims of 2018.

It’s just a pity that the other 4997 Myrtleville Swimmers (non-club) Fair-weather Sailors missed out on such a magical evening of sub-surface song & dance.

After the event, it was decided to deploy a Search & Rescue Dog named ‘Dante’ (a crackin lookin fella by the way) who was fortunate enough to be on a training exercise in the area with his handler Joanne Horgan, in a bid to locate the missing 4997 so-called swimmers.

But efforts were delayed as the dog team had to locate their ‘missing person’ of the training exercise first. Not naming names or anything but if Dodger Ramsell didn’t decide to hide 170 feet up a vertical cliff face off Fennell’s Bay, then some of the swimmers may have been reunited with their loved ones in a more timely fashion.

The search was stood-down at nightfall, and will resume at first light tomorrow morning with 136 more Search Dogs being drafted in from all parts of the world, the assistance of the Coastguard Rescue Helicopter 117, various Maritime Search & Rescue agencies, along with some feen called Condon that’s supposed to have superior local knowledge of the area.

Our efforts will continue until 17:59 on Monday 3rd Apr, at which time you will find us back in the Myrtleville bath. All are welcome.

Glen Barton 🙂

Mondays are back

The world-famous 6 pm Myrtleville Monday swims are recommencing on Monday, March 26th, once the clocks have sprung forward.

If you’re going to join the fun for the first time, read this post so that you’re clear on personal responsibility:

If you’re an experienced open water swimmer – read it anyway.  No harm reminding ourselves that it’s ALL ABOUT SWIMMING SAFELY.

Let’s get the Summer started 🙂

Selkies, Open Water Swimming in Cork, Ireland

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Here’s hoping your day is going well.  However it is going, it’s got to be better than poor Mike Harris’ morning.  After a beautiful swim in Myrtleville (sure where else would he be?) Mr. Harris was subjected to checking if someone needed a shower before being allowed into the sea.  No sign of the Lynx effect, chez Lynch.  Feck sake, there’s a special offer on deodorant in Centra Crosshaven.  Does he not know that?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone.  Good luck to Nemo and Ireland!

Notification of suspension

The Committee Of Leading Dignitaries Who Initiate Necessary Decisions  (C.O.L.D. W.I.N.D.) have met in closed session and are happy enough regret to announce that Denis Condon has been suspended from having a presence on the beach for one week.  (He still has to go down and clean off the shower area as part of his community service, though.  He has to stay on the concrete bit.  Watch him – make sure he does.)

The decision on this suspension has not been taken lightly but the weather has been shocking and somebody has to be responsible.  Mr. Condon is that person.

Ranting on the suspension, the Committee Chairperson said: 

“For feck sake, Denis, stop putting up on Facebook about beastie easties and lack of sand and all that crap.  Say nothing and the waves won’t be there.  The snow was bad enough but we left you off that one.  You’re just tearing the ass out of it now with this latest carry-on.”

This “say-nothing” approach has, of course, been scientifically proven to work. 

The Chairperson continued less rantingly:

“We look forward to welcoming Mr. Condon back to the beach and among the throngs of Myrtleville Swimmers, once he’s copped on about all this bad weather talk.”

By Order  —  C.O.L.D. W.I.N.D.

Mr. Denis Condon.   Completely to blame for the bad weather.

Sandycove Fundraiser – please support

As an extension of our #supporttheweakercounties initiative to try to keep swimming alive down West, we noted that our SISC friends are now resorting to promotion of money laundering activities – presumably to defray costs of goat feed etc.  

This email was received from Swim Sandycove’s google group email –

Once again, we earnestly exhort all Myrtlevillians to spare a thought for our less fortunate near-neighbours (the few of them that are left) and consider a swim near d’Island to keep up the pretence it’s a popular swimming venue.  While you’re there, see if there’s a poor box that you could slip a few quid into so they can abandon this money-laundering plan.  It’s not one of their better ones.

With the commitment of just a tiny percentage of the hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of Myrtleville Swimmers, we can help out these poor few unfortunates. 

 #supporttheweakercounties       #feedthegoats

Snow Swimming

As soon as Leo said it was safe to go outside again but not drive far, serious swimmers were back in training wherever possible.  Snow Swimming.  Ready to dive.

Excellent dive.  Really.  Never seen better in this venue.

A few stroke issues to be ironed out here, perhaps.

Flying now.  Really had to work to get the rhythm right.  It’s a bit different to the sea.