The Buoys are Back

That joke never gets old. Never. Good news.

Update on the maintenance from Marc:

The yearly maintenance is now complete on the buoys. Thankfully we got a good day for it which helped. Replaced buoys 1 & 3. The other buoys needed replacement ropes & chain, thimbles & shackles. Buoy 2 needs to be replaced in 2024. Buoys Floating better now & repainted.

Be nice to the Waiter(s)

We still have 55 people on the waiting list for the swim next week. If you are entered and your plans have changed so you are not swimming, please cancel your place. You’ll have made a donation to the RNLI and also allowed someone else to contribute and participate.

We do not allow transfers and there are no entries on the day.

Waiting list for swim on June 21st

A limited number of places are starting to become available for June 21st.  That’s likely to increase as we move closer to the date and people cancel due to other commitments etc.  As a place comes available, it is automatically offered to the next person on the waiting list – FIFO.  You have 12 hours to accept your offered place.  If you do not, the place is offered to the next person on the list.  It is vital that you keep an eye on the email address you used to join the waiting list.  If you miss the email and thus miss an offered place, you will be dropped from the waiting list.  You can join it again, but you will be at the bottom.

Note also that as we move closer to the 21st, we will shorten the time allowed to accept a place.

If you are interested in a place, make sure to watch your emails – and join the waiting list, if you wish.