Entrepreneurs never miss a promotional opportunity

Daithí O Sé from RTE’s Today show came for a dip in Myrtleville this morning. His Sherpa for the adventure was our own Benard (yes, that Bernard – Bernard Bernard, like) but an issue was noted before filming commenced. Bernard was wearing a hat from his English Channel swim with a prominent logo of a business with which he is associated (Centra, like, as ye all know). No free advertising, says the RTE lady. No bother, says Bernie, and off comes the hat. No need for any hassle. Don’t want to ruin the beautiful morning.

Then along comes Jim. No way he was missing out on free advertising for his new venture. N.F.W. Into the picture struts Jim – click, click: priceless. He was saying orders were slow on the phone line. This will boost things no end. 1800-JIMBUOYS.

Jim Buoys now for sale to the general public

Swim buoys or swim / tow floats are an essential piece of safety equipment for Open Water Swimmers – but how safe are they in reality? How robust? Would they really keep you afloat in a crisis? These doubts, which have assailed many swimmers, can now be assuaged by using the new-to-the-market, flotation-guaranteed, Jim Buoy (TM – Patent Pending).

Developed using all his Naval skills by Lieutenant Commander (Ret’d) James Shalloo, the Jim Buoy is made of fierce tough plasticy stuff and with a rope on it that’d hold a bull in field of heifers. You’re safe as houses with one of these lads on ya.

C’mdr Shalloo with the Model X Jim Buoy – now on the market for all safety-conscious swimmers

To order, contact Jim directly on 1800-JIMBUOYS. He’s waiting to take your call.