Swimmer Safety – Danger from boats

A potentially fatal accident was narrowly averted on Monday night around 7pm as a RIB travelling at 28 knots came across a swimmer way off the beach and in the middle of the Western commercial shipping corridor into/out of Cork harbour.  That’s well outside the line to the Dutchman or Bunny’s, if you’re not aware. The swimmer was in a wetsuit and had a black hat.  No buoy.   No brightly coloured hat.  Nothing.  If it had not been flat calm, the skipper would not have seen him.  He had no expectation that there would be anyone in the water that far out.  There should not be.

I’ve no idea who the swimmer was.  The RIB skipper who contacted us about the incident used a very good line that I’ll reproduce here.  Don’t take offence.  He’s 100% right and he went to some trouble to document the incident and make contact about it.

“while your swimming community may think that they are at the centre of the universe the majority of people in sailing clubs and other boat users have absolutely no idea that you guys even exist and those that do see you as “water pests” in much the same way that a lot of road users view cyclists.”

Why put yourself in danger by going out too far, not using a buoy or not wearing a high-vis hat, at the very least?

We’ve been saying this for years.  We are each responsible for our own safety.  Be responsible.   Please, listen and spread the word.


RNLI Myrtleville to Church Bay entries filling fast

The forecast is looking good.  Time to make sure you’re in.  There are about 40 places left and they’re moving fast.

Get in now: enter now online on Active.

Don’t end up loitering on the beach shouting “anyone selling a ticket???” or with one of those “genuine swimmer seeks ticket” signs.  They’re really sad.  Get entered.  Don’t be at the mercy of the touts.  Especially since there are NO entries on the night and NO transferring places.  Don’t be fooled 🙂

Entries close at 13.00 on MONDAY, JULY 2nd OR WHEN WE REACH 300 IF THAT’S SOONER.

Get in vogue

Trendsetters, that’s what we are down Myrtleville way.  I read Karl Henry in the Indo today…..“Get your togs on and jump in. Swimming in the sea is back in vogue”.  

Just what we dreamed of – to be “in vogue”.  Often we’ve marvelled as our style influencers shiver down the slip sashay down the catwalk in Myrtleville on a February morning with the crowds ooohing and aaahing about the latest look and how to “work it” – all the mnás gasping “oh, Denis/Daniel/Pat, you’re sooooo voguey with your big, BIG, orange float”.  Swoon, like – swoon.  Style and In-Vogue-ness, that’s what sea swimming is all about for us.

All vogued-up activities have to have a Season of course – Henley, Ascot, that kind of thing.  We’ve got the RNLI Myrtleville to Church Bay Swim on July 3rd, where fashions will be flaunted, style icons will point the way to the latest trends in togs and goggles and there’ll be a general level of vogueidity that even Anna Wintour couldn’t keep up with.

Influencers worth following – two men who never realised what trendsetters they were- or how much they were “in vogue”.  Will be signing autographs at the RNLI swim.

Don’t miss the most voguey event of the year – enter now on ActiveIt’ll be very much like this video, I’d say.  Any chance of a flash-mob, Joanne?

May – over, but not forgotten

May’s a tough month.  Lots of swimming because the sun’s up, but cold.  Very cold.  I love May.  Love it.  Bye bye, Pool.  The water feels cold – “I don’t care” as Trevor Malone said when he jumped in prior to his channel swim a few years ago.  Of course, Trevor followed that up with “I’m swimming to France”.  Most of us won’t be saying that!

Why am I talking about May?  In June?  I was too busy lately to spend time on important things – like reading loneswimmer.com.  So, I missed the article from two weeks ago that I’d asked for two years ago.  “Write fancy stuff about May, Donal”, I said.  “More of that flowery shite that Mr. Finbarr loves”.  “No”, said Donal.  Only a few years later, he changed his mind.

Click here for fancy writing about swimming in May in Ireland. 

Mr. Finbarr loved it, I’d say.  The Myrtlevillians even got a mention at the end!  FAME – at last!  You can’t go higher than loneswimmer.com.  Thanks, Donal!

Volunteers wanted for July 3rd

We need volunteers to help on the night of the swim with between 200-300 participants expected.  We’ll need help with parking, stewards, beach cleaning, registration, gear loading and unloading, timing chip collection  etc.  We would appreciate if anyone not swimming in the event would give up some time to assist on the night. Please let Damian O’Neill or Bernard Lynch know if you are available or email myrtevilleswimmers@gmail.com.

Denis and Noreen are very clear on the number of good reasons why you should not volunteer if you’re not swimming.  A big zero!

If you’re going to swim and haven’t done so Get entered now on Active.  No entries allowed on the night.